The only other supernatural interventions on a similar scale to the major Marian apparitions have been apparitions of Our Lord and particularly those relating to the Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy devotions.
But these have been essentially “hidden” apparitions, since they were given to cloistered nuns, St Margaret Mary and St Faustina.
So Christ is really pointing to Our Lady, and particularly at Fatima and in effect saying,
“I am now acting more prominently through my Mother, and delivering a message for all mankind through her.”
The three great revolutionary movements of modern times, the Reformation, and the French and Russian Revolutions, have been, in essence,
paralleled by Guadalupe, Lourdes and Fatima. And these three great revolutions have been central to the great spiritual and moral decline in
the world since the 16th century. A struggle has been going on which has seen the spiritual influence of the Church greatly decline – and this also explains why God has sent Our Lady to intervene over the last five hundred years in particular.