The lives of Jacinta and Francisco as the youngest, non martyr saints in the history of the Church, can be a model for children and for family life today. The family is the foundation of a stable and health society.

In Rosarium Virginis Mariae, St John Paul II wrote that a revival of the Rosary was needed in order to meet the pressing needs of the family, “the primary cell of society, increasingly menaced by forces of disintegration.” (RVM. n. 6).

The best source for information about the Fatima children’s family life is Fatima in Lucia’s own words, vol. 2.

The Family is so important that God chose to be born into a family, and thus sanctified family life.

The Holy Family and Fatima

At the final Fatima apparition on 13 Oct 1917, while the crowd of some 70,000 people from all over Portugal were contemplating the awesome Miracle of the Sun, the children saw the Holy Family: St Joseph with the Child Jesus and Our Lady in white with a blue mantle, beside the sun.

St Joseph and the Child Jesus traced the sign of the Cross over the world with their hands, and blessed it.

Here we can see God through Our Lady emphasising the

importance of family life.

The Family is so important that God chose to be born into

a family, and thus sanctified family life.

Living The Fatima Message in the Family

As children, the heroic living of Our Lady’s message by the

Fatima Seers is a particularly important example that

families need to adopt in our times, when marriage is under

unprecedented attack in our secularised society, and when

so many children abandon the practice of their faith on

leaving school, not to mention adults.

Living the message of Fatima in the family, and especially

praying the Rosary, as the Popes have continually urged, and

Our Lady herself urged at Fatima, would halt and reverse the

collapse of faith that has been doing such harm to the


The Mission of the Family

“God entrusted to the family the sacred mission of cooperating

with Him in the work of creation. This decision to associate His poor creatures with His creative work is a great demonstration of the fatherly goodness of God. It is as if He were making them sharers in His creative power; making use of His children in order to bring forth

new lives, which will flower on earth but be destined for


From Sr Lucia’s “Calls” from the Message of Fatima book -

The Call to the Sanctification of the Family

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