We very much need help to continue with the great work that that is being done to build upon our work here in England and Wales, both on a diocesan and National level.
Visitations of the Statue and Relics will continue is Dioceses across the country, and we are now beginning our work to promote other activities and programmes, including the praying of the Rosary, a Rosary pledge campaign, and Five First Saturdays devotion.
For that to happen we very much need volunteers, so if you can help in any way, whether that is locally in your parish by distributing Fatima leaflets (with your parish priest’s permission), or by promoting the Five First Saturdays, or by helping with the diocesan Visitation programme, then please get in touch by completing the form below.
Likewise, if you would like to get involved with helping WAF nationally, we really do need assistance with accounts, social media/Wordpress, admin, and organising the annual National pilgrimage to Fatima, amongst other things. As a result of last year’s successful Visitation programme, we now have a good number of WAF spiritual directors in many of the dioceses of England & Wales, and we want to develop this by setting up active WAF groups in as many dioceses as possible.